The stepper motor makes the shaft turn only at a certain Angle through a pulse signal. Pulse signals are electrical signals that repeatedly perform power-on and power-off, and power-on and power-off are counted as one pulse. According to this pulse signal, the stepper motor mechanically and precisely controls the rotation Angle and rotation speed of the shaft.
1. Permanent Magnet Type
The rotor uses a permanent magnet. However, it is not possible to set a fine rotation Angle (step Angle).
2. Variable Reluctance Type: Variable reluctance type) The rotor uses a gear-like core. Fine rotation angles can be set.
The rotation Angle is proportional to the number of pulses in the digital input, so it is easy to control the position (rotation Angle)
Can be rotated at low speeds
Position control can be achieved using open circuit (no feedback)
Excellent self-retention when stopped